Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Snowy Day 5

SNOW SNOW and MORE SNOW......I was actually a little bit blue last night at the prospect of more... I woke up this morning un-rested and cranky, a little confused as to what to do regarding the studio but then I shook it... I canceled classes for the day into tomorrow morning. I made a cup of Decaffeinated Chai and gathered my self for Yoga.
I had a really sweet home practice, longer than I am usually able to relax around practicing at home. It seemed like my sequences were coming from a deeper place of knowing.....it was fluid and lovely. I managed to keep my anxiety around the snow and the rest of the day's schedule at bay long enough even for a luxurious shavasana. When I had finished and walked out into the hallway, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and my face looked as though I had just awoken from a nap...in a tender way.
After practice, I was left with a hard ambition...."what am I going to make today?".....It was clearly a day that would be about food. Snow...and food.
I looked through the Kripalu cookbook and knew it was going to be bread. I am not a huge bread baker but something about the smell of the bread rising jived with my mood. I turned the pages and found a recipe for Baguette.....SO YUM.....I adapted the recipe by adding whole grain spelt flour to the mix (guilt over white flour) but the dough came out so beautifully- and that smell!!!

I asked Claudine what she wanted and she said "Almond cookies" so I made Almond Sesame Jam Dots with Raspberry jam.....those of which- just came out of the oven- and are SUPER DELICIOUS.......and whole grain!
1c roasted almonds,
3T sesame seeds
1c oats,
1c barley flour,
1/2 cup of both maple syrup and canola oil, cinnamon, salt and your favorite jam. Cuisinart all of the dry ingredients and then in a bowl mix the wet in. Scoop out and make an indentation in each cookie and spoon in the jam.

It was so nice to be in the kitchen all day....I cleaned out the cupboards and restocked the pantry with dry goods- which everyone should every so often- it's like a check in to see what ingredients you have or what you need to restock- that's where I get so much of my inspiration; seeing and using what I have available. I also make sure I always have my Basics; rices, flours, grains,favorite beans, oils, sweeteners, etc.

Dinner tonight: Brown Rice Fusili Pasta with Marinara, Green Salad and homemade baguette.....uh...............YUM! The marinara was left over from the Sunday's sauce, the fusili was left over from restocking the pasta into a smaller container ( it wouldn't all fit!), and the salad is just essential with freshly baked bread.

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