Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day Two

Taught SPIN class this morning- which is always an amazing experience for me- sharing space with others who are dedicating themselves to something bigger than themselves...I love it.
I am still feeling the sickness that came over me on Monday so when I got home I was inspired to make a soup....something warming and nourishing....
something EASY.......immediately TOMATO RED LENTIL soup came to mind.
This soup is super quick and easy to make and it is SO SATISFYING:
Onions, hot pepper, red lentils, 1 large can of tomoatoes and a bouillon. The lentils break down really quick and provide an excellent source of vegetable protein- the whole affair takes no more than 20 minutes from pot to blender to bowl. Whether you leave it chunky, 1/2 processed or totally smooth, it is a lovely meal for any time of day.

In addition to my food choices, I have also committed to buying 2nd hand- over my quicker, baser impulse to just online shop for "stuff".....So I made my first purchase in that pursuit at my friend Lisa's local used clothing store; SWIRL, in town above the studio........ I have to say... I love it. ;)

1 comment:

  1. It came out AWESOME by the way.......If you are interested in recipes, please feel free to email me!!!
