Friday, January 28, 2011

Day One

I have a lot to say around this subject- this is my second go around at practicing non-violence….I have been a practicing vegetarian for 20 years, 12 of them vegan- the last year I even dabbled in some seafood, my girlfriend says to me today “you had a good go of it” but eating fish or any animal for that matter just doesn’t sit well with me.….As I continue to move closer to my spirituality through my practice of yoga, I realize these food choices are not about me. I woke up this morning compelled to leave complacency and to commit, I do not want to exist at the expense of others- to the best of my ability- and that means no more animal based foods.

Living in Vermont for the past 6 years, I have been exposed to some of the most beautiful produce I have ever eaten, some of it out of my own backyard- that is why it totally perplexes me that there aren’t more vegetarian based resources in the area. I am surprised at the lack of locally produced foods used in the restaurants that do exist. It just doesn’t make sense to me- we ultimately pay for it somewhere, whether it be out of our pockets or our health- we can learn to sustain ourselves locally, organically, and on a plant based diet- if-we-so chose-to. What makes us justify our choices?

Today, I am committed, re-committing. I can’t separate my yoga practice from my daily practice; Ahimsa is a restraint that we put into practice, we have to try, we have to make it a practice, even if that means taking the time to take some of the casual animal-based foods out of our diets- if not for the animals, then for our children, for our planet.

My intention with this blog is to share my experience the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Today I start. Again.


(Cannelini) Beans & Escarole

Corn Crusted Tofu

Brown Rice

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