So this week started off a bit rocky. There was even a Tornado Warning in effect (!!!) on Tuesday I think it was and at about 3pm....everything went BLACK (we got a ride home that day).....Every morning, me and my new found friend, Beth, walk to school, about 2.5 miles each way. Our hotel is nesteled just on the back side of the NW Expressway, and yes the Expressway is just that, 8 full lanes of high speeding, two-way traffic, divided by a strip of concrete island down the middle. We traverse this every time we venture out. Once out past this mile of highway, we hit shopping center after shopping center with malls and mini malls filled with
NOTHING really that either of us would partake in, tons of fast food restaurants, and clothing stores that I am unfamiliar but wouldn't count as options in my world. We pass Dillards, Jamba Juice, Cell Phone Stores, but nowhere we could go for take-out or food to bring back to the room- or even go out to for an emergency meal. Once we are away from school- food options are down right bleak. land-locked and seemingly food Locked, we both grew frustrated and hungry...School was awesome but we are only in session from 9-3pm- that leaves us with no access to food from 3 on, unless we eat at 105 AFTER school which we never have...If we ate what we had made for lunch during school, we only have left over sauces and scraps that a meal they do not make.........until Walmart

.........WALMART!..........it had come up that
Walmart had "select items that were organic".........REALLY? We had passed it on every single journey to and from school and every day we would walk by and say, there are so many people going in and out of this place.....WHAT DO PEOPLE NEED FROM HERE? So we made a plan....We would get a ride home (carrying leftover ice creams) and then traverse BACK out to Walmart....just to see, check it out........ We walked in and it was like walking into MECCA (among other things, those emails about Walmartions....they really do exist).....There right in front of us this bounty of fresh produce greeted us....Organic Lettuce, organic mixed greens, organic citrus, melons, bananas....FRESH FRUIT AND PRODUCE- a pretty extensive selection to boot! We were running around the store showing each other our organic and transitional treasures... Gone were the days of going without food in the evening, or trying to fill up on school food leftovers......We could have a salad, or fruit! Beth lugged 40 pounds of produce in her backpack, I carried the rest....we were the happiest we had been walking the highway walk, breathing in the fumes....we got home and broke into the watermelon....It was the most satisfying RAW meal to date.
Since, we have gone on "food field trips".....Lia, who is also in our friendly circle of Chefs, took us all

to the HEALTH MART and Super CAO, both of which I am just

floored exist out in the mid-west/ Bible belt locale...(check out the license plate)... The Health Mart was HUGE, with a full organic Juice and Smoothie Bar, but filled with organic fruits and vegetables, Superfoods, RAW foods, specialty foods and was holding a lecture while we were there, educating clientele on whole foods and the dangers of sugars and refined foods- it was incredible. We all got a coconut, and stuck a straw in it and rolled lazily through each aisle looking for more food blessings...it was PACKED! They had a crazy selection of RAW foods- more than I have ever seen in a store-store.....We shopped for over an hour and filled up Lia's cherry red convertible Mercedes.

I have never seen anything like it on EITHER coast, the selection was just mind blowing. Later in the evening, we wanted more coconuts- we found them at the Asian Market-Super Cao- apparently there is a huge Asian contingency in OKC (?) Again, I couldn't believe it, it was like a warehouse STOCKED with goods, young coconuts, DragonFruit, Asian specialty items, produce, CRAZY produce....packages containing Vegetarian "Lamb Chunks" and "Veal" which I promptly passed on.....(???) but we came out- each of us loaded with coconuts, special hand tools,...- a Cleaver! It was awesome......I am amazed how the RAW community has infiltrated this very spread out landscape of Fast Foods- this is truly Fast food Nation...and here are these Gems that are standing and thriving in the midst of it......

So now, my hotel fridge is FULL up of coconuts,

organic greens and lettuce, cucumbers, lemons, limes, melon, (we ate the bananas), raw, soaked and sprouted pumpkin and sunflower seeds.....all and all, the week rounded itself out.
We did a little yoga in my room (HILARIOUS how the three of us strategically placed ourselves around the bed) and went to 105 for dinner and brunch this morning.....sat next to Mr. James Cromwell- .....("That'll do Pig, that'l do")...LOVE HIM- I was too worried to ruin his meal to go up to him, but I learned he will be attending again later in the week- so I will catch him then, LOVE FROM OKC. XOE